Valor Home Aftercare Program

Valor Home wants all of our veterans who take part in our program to succeed in resolving their housing and/or unemployment crisis.  We understand that simply obtaining housing or employment is not always enough to overcome these difficult issues. A crisis develops over time and often has many factors that cannot be solved in a short period of time. Therefore, our aftercare program will focus on self sufficiency and building trusting, supportive relationships between veterans. The aftercare program will not be a cure-all to every life issue, but it will provide an open forum to voice issues and frustrations, bounce ideas, and offer support to veterans who are in similar circumstances. 

Currently, aftercare consists of two 60 minute group support meeting on the first Friday of each month. Meetings will begin at 6:00 PM at our Valor Home Akron location. Refreshments will be provided for any former residents who attend. This model was developed by veterans who have exited our programs who saw a need for an open forum to voice issues and frustrations and offer support to veterans who are in similar circumstances.

We believe this support amongst peers is ultimately the best way to provide emotional and practical support. Aftercare is always in development and changes may be made as time goes on and new needs are assessed. The continued, but limited support of Valor Home and Freedom House staff and volunteers is also provided. However, it is the commitment and mentorship of individuals by a group of veteran peers that will make this program successful. 

To RSVP to an Aftercare meeting or to gather more information on the Aftercare program, please feel free to contact Valor Home at (330) 773-7000.